I was born in Madrid in 1993. I attended a British school and studied Spanish Langage & Literature and the Universidad Complutense. During my time at university I taught private lessons to students doing the Spanish bachilerato. When I finished my degree, I went to Australia, where I have lived 4 years. In Australia, I started my own Spanish Academy. I am now living back in Madrid, and have just...
I was born in Madrid in 1993. I attended a British school and studied Spanish Langage & Literature and the Universidad Complutense. During my time at university I taught private lessons to students doing the Spanish bachilerato. When I finished my degree, I went to Australia, where I have lived 4 years. In Australia, I started my own Spanish Academy. I am now living back in Madrid, and have just finished a master's degree in Applied Linguistics to the study of Spanish as a second language at the Universidad Nebrija. I am now a PhD candidate in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Nací en Madrid en 1993. Fuí a un colegio británico y estudié Filología Hispánica en la Universidad Complutense. Durante la carrera di clases de lengua a estudiantes de bachilerato. Al terminar la carrera, me fuí a Australia donde he vivido cuatro años. En Australia tengo mi propia academia de Español como lengua extranjera. Ahora estoy en Madrid, y acabo de terminar el Máster de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera en la Universidad Nebrija. Ahora estoy cursando los estudios de Doctorado en Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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