Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Doctorado (cursando): Electrical Engineering
Ubicación de mis clases
Hospitalet de Llobregat · Esplugues de Llobregat · Barcelona Capital
Perfil de Mohamad Mohamadi
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Passionate Mathematics and English teacher with more than 10+ years of experience in high school and middle school environments. Of course, one advantage for students learning math with me is that English will be taught at the same time. Optimal use of money and also save your time in my new double learning method. Integrated lesson plans were created, and authorial math studies concepts were ad...
Passionate Mathematics and English teacher with more than 10+ years of experience in high school and middle school environments. Of course, one advantage for students learning math with me is that English will be taught at the same time. Optimal use of money and also save your time in my new double learning method. Integrated lesson plans were created, and authorial math studies concepts were added to the curriculum. In a prior position, I organized and supervised after-school tutoring for children with special needs, which assisted them to increase their exam results.