Hello, I was born and raised in Mumbai, India and I moved to Lanzarote at 16. I have been very fortunate to experience two very diverse cultures and educational systems. Having studied everything in English since childhood, and then learning Spanish helped me to build confidence and adapt to my surroundings. Working in aviation and tourism for over 10 years has helped me use my language skills to...
Hello, I was born and raised in Mumbai, India and I moved to Lanzarote at 16. I have been very fortunate to experience two very diverse cultures and educational systems. Having studied everything in English since childhood, and then learning Spanish helped me to build confidence and adapt to my surroundings. Working in aviation and tourism for over 10 years has helped me use my language skills to my advantage and working face to face with people of different cultures and nationalities has enhanced my communication skills and taught me ways of working well with people. With some experience as a teacher, I soon learnt that technology and internet are the way forward and especially with Covid, their usefulness as become apparent.
Hola, nací en Mumbai, India y me mudé a Lanzarote a los 16 años. He sido muy afortunada de experimentar dos culturas y sistemas educativos muy diversos. Haber estudiado todo en inglés desde la infancia, y luego aprender español me ayudó a desarrollar la confianza y a adaptarme a mi entorno. Trabajar en la aviación y turismo durante más de 10 años me ha ayudado a utilizar mis conocimientos de idiomas a mi favor y trabajar cara al público, con personas de diferentes culturas y nacionalidades ha mejorado mis habilidades de comunicación y me ha enseñado formas de trabajar bien con la gente. Con algo de experiencia como profesor, pronto aprendí que la tecnología e Internet son el camino a seguir y especialmente con Covid, su utilidad se hizo evidente.
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