My name is Nicolás, I am Argentine with native Spanish and a student of Communication and Languages. I have experience in writing, edition and I love teaching!
I have also traveled to many parts of the world such as France, Holland, Italy... and lived in Australia, Brazil and Germany, where i met and taught Spanish to many people during these trips, using the English language.
Mi nombre es Nicol...
My name is Nicolás, I am Argentine with native Spanish and a student of Communication and Languages. I have experience in writing, edition and I love teaching!
I have also traveled to many parts of the world such as France, Holland, Italy... and lived in Australia, Brazil and Germany, where i met and taught Spanish to many people during these trips, using the English language.
Mi nombre es Nicolas, soy argentino con español nativo y estudiante de Comunicación e Idiomas. Tengo experiencia en redacción, corrección de textos y me encanta enseñar!
También he viajado por muchas partes del mundo como Francia, Holanda, Italia... y he vivido en Australia, Brasil y Alemania, donde he conocido y enseñado español a mucha gente durante estos viajes, utilizando el idioma inglés.
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