Perfil de Omer Haija

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Sobre mi

before you read you need to know my spanish is basic so most of communication will be in english, this is better for you because this how you will advance fast

I can say that your english is what is your objective, are you student and want to go academic, needs aid on speaking, want to communicate with english native speakers and understand each other

first class is free, I see the level of s...
before you read you need to know my spanish is basic so most of communication will be in english, this is better for you because this how you will advance fast

I can say that your english is what is your objective, are you student and want to go academic, needs aid on speaking, want to communicate with english native speakers and understand each other

first class is free, I see the level of student, see what is students objectives, and if he has the learning material or not,

then later on I suggest what students need, what material if they don't have,

I can also teach any computer science applied and academic courses, I can make you a website or program, but teaching and communication will be in english

C sharp, C#, C/C++, pascal, object pascal, Java, js, Python, Fortran, matlab, Basic, php, sql, x86 Assembly, PIC16f8877A Assembly

Delphi, Lazarus, Object Oriented, Algorithms design, dynamic programming, greedy programming techniques, AI, machine learning, AI CSP, VLC, .NET, SQL, x86 Assembly, Pic16fxxxx Assembly, HPC(MPI,Openmb), Arduino/Rasperry PI/ Onion Omega, Mysql, Novel os, embedded microcomputers and microcontroller systems design and programming (Raspberry pi, Onion omega, Arduino, pic 877a and compatibles, Lego mindstorm), linux bash, advance excel skills
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