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Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Licenciatura: Global HealthGrado: Intelligence Studies & TechnologyGrado: Pashto-AfghanCertificado: Homeland SecurityPostgrado/Máster: Public Health
Ubicación de mis clases
Barcelona Capital · Sant Adrià de Besòs · Santa Coloma de Gramenet
Perfil de Paul Linares
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
I focus on a communicative approach to learning. I believe that, after having a grasp on the language, fluency and the ability to communicate are far more important than the accuracy of grammar. That comes with practice. Additionally, I believe that every student's learning style is different and I wish to cater to how you learn rather than how I prefer to teach. It is important to me that you ar...
I focus on a communicative approach to learning. I believe that, after having a grasp on the language, fluency and the ability to communicate are far more important than the accuracy of grammar. That comes with practice. Additionally, I believe that every student's learning style is different and I wish to cater to how you learn rather than how I prefer to teach. It is important to me that you are able to retain information and effectively recall that information at a moment's notice. I have experience teaching English speakers Pashto-Afghan as well and have led a wide range of courses focused around reading/writing, listening and discussion skills. Topics such as current events, culture, and technology will all be covered. It is important to understand a variety of concepts if one expects to master a language.