Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Licenciatura: Advertising & Public RelationsPostgrado/Máster: MBA (Master Business Administration)
Ubicación de mis clases
Sant Joan D'Alacant · Mutxamel · El Campello · Alicante Ciudad
Perfil de Pablo Munoz
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Do you want to enjoy learning??? I will help you achieve your goals, taking pleasure in the process. I love education (bachelor's degree, MBA, plus many courses), with 10+ years' experience in international trade.
- About me (30 recommendations): LinkedIn = pablo-cesar-munoz-mora
- Languages: * Spoken = Spanish (native) & English (full professional proficiency). * Understanding = Italian & Por...
Do you want to enjoy learning??? I will help you achieve your goals, taking pleasure in the process. I love education (bachelor's degree, MBA, plus many courses), with 10+ years' experience in international trade.
- About me (30 recommendations): LinkedIn = pablo-cesar-munoz-mora
- Languages: * Spoken = Spanish (native) & English (full professional proficiency). * Understanding = Italian & Portuguese.
- Cultures I have worked with: * Europe. * Asia. * Africa. * America (North & South).
- Countries where I have lived: * Finland. * UK. * Portugal. * Spain.