Engineer by profession for many years, with a high knowledge of Spanish grammar and a very good level of knowledge of English grammar as well, I've decided to assist English speakers living in my town to manage to speak Spanish in a quite fluent way in a short-medium term.
Based on a standard academical method, I've developed my own one, so that the learning gets into an "easy", funny and amazin...
Engineer by profession for many years, with a high knowledge of Spanish grammar and a very good level of knowledge of English grammar as well, I've decided to assist English speakers living in my town to manage to speak Spanish in a quite fluent way in a short-medium term.
Based on a standard academical method, I've developed my own one, so that the learning gets into an "easy", funny and amazing task.
I can tutor pupils from any levels, beginners to advanced ones, because Spanish is my mother tongue.
Ingeniero de profesión durante muchos años, con un alto conocimiento de la gramática española y un muy buen nivel de gramática inglesa, he decidido ayudar a los angloparlantes que viven en mi ciudad a hablar español de una manera bastante fluida a corto y medio plazo.
Basado en un método académico estándar, he desarrollado el mío propio, para que el aprendizaje se convierta en una tarea "fácil", divertida y sorprendente.
Puedo dar clases a alumnos de cualquier nivel, desde principiantes hasta avanzados, porque el español es mi lengua materna.
También quiero ayudar a las personas que aprenden inglés a lograrlo, apoyándolos con todo lo que les está costando, estructuras gramaticales, conceptos, verbos, ... cualquier cosa y todo aquello que pueda necesitar explicaciones adicionales, un enfoque diferente , lo que sea para poder entenderlo y asumirlo.
Puedo dar clases a alumnos desde principiantes hasta niveles B2 / FIRST (FCE).
Enseño en casa del alumno.
Precio por clase (1 hora): 12 euros.
I also want to assist to English language learning people to get to it, by supporting them with all things that are struggling them, grammar structures, concepts, verbs, ... anything and everything that may be needing additional explanations, a different focus, whatever to be able to understand it and assume it.
I can tutor pupils from beginners to B2 / FIRST (FCE) levels.
I teach at pupil’s home.
Price per class (1 hour): 12 euros.
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