Perfil de Peter John Myers

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

First lesson free!!!!!

Graduate University of Durham
Postgraduate certificate in TESOL Trinity College London
Teaching experience wide and varied
Taught basic English in the UK
Taught summer schools in the UK
Teacher at Centro Ingles El Puerto
Teacher at Torrent Factory, Osborne and Rota Naval base

I aim to make classes enjoyable and interesting, and suit the classes to fit the students.
First lesson free!!!!!

Graduate University of Durham
Postgraduate certificate in TESOL Trinity College London
Teaching experience wide and varied
Taught basic English in the UK
Taught summer schools in the UK
Teacher at Centro Ingles El Puerto
Teacher at Torrent Factory, Osborne and Rota Naval base

I aim to make classes enjoyable and interesting, and suit the classes to fit the students.

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Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Inglés Experienced Native Speaker offers personalised classes El Puerto de Santa María
Clase Presencial
20€/h Ver anuncio
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