To me a solid teacher is the one that makes right decisions about when to let them be independent.
Another key skill to be considered is "conversation", which on the surface appears to be one of the most basic forms of communication, and is actually one of the hardest to master.
The conclusion that follows is "stop studying and start communicating". As to this, there are other related key skills (comprehension, vocabulary, grammar) that the more you practice them the more they make you feel comfortable when using English.
To all the aformementioned topics Ralph is the ideal support. He knows "his role", which is not focused on teaching but on speeding up your own learning.
In other words, the message for the right teacher is "put yourselft in learner's shoes".
My experience since 2006 with Ralph is that he is instrumental in making you realize that this whole thing of mastering a second language boils down to "learner-centred support".
Enjoy and grow! (it all depends on you).
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