I am a qualified TEFL teacher with ten years experience, teaching at all levels. I am interested in giving adult conversation classes in Málaga city and the Axarquia. I have my own transport and teaching materials and have a flexible timetable. I charge €15 euros an hour , but can negotiate price for a block of lessons.
Soy profesor de inglés nativo con 10 años de experiencia. Doy clases de con...
I am a qualified TEFL teacher with ten years experience, teaching at all levels. I am interested in giving adult conversation classes in Málaga city and the Axarquia. I have my own transport and teaching materials and have a flexible timetable. I charge €15 euros an hour , but can negotiate price for a block of lessons.
Soy profesor de inglés nativo con 10 años de experiencia. Doy clases de conversación para adultos, en Málaga capital o en la Axarquia. Puedo desplazarme y tengo disponibilidad de horario. Cobro €15 p/hora, o puedo ofrecer un precio especial por bono de varias horas.
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