Perfil de Sadike Rolando Grant

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Sobre mi

Hi, I am a native english teaceher from Jamaica and the caribean at large.I have extensive excperience teaching english as second language in Madrid. I have the skill set and the experience to help an individual improve speaking and writing the language in a fun and exciting way where i make the language seem fun and intresting to learn. I deliver classes, in grammer, writing and conversation....
Hi, I am a native english teaceher from Jamaica and the caribean at large.I have extensive excperience teaching english as second language in Madrid. I have the skill set and the experience to help an individual improve speaking and writing the language in a fun and exciting way where i make the language seem fun and intresting to learn. I deliver classes, in grammer, writing and conversation.

Learning a second language can be a bit tedious and for that reason i try my best to deliver in the most simple way to have you improve.

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Clases de Inglés Native english teacher for conversation, grammar and writing Madrid Capital
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20€/h Ver anuncio
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