Hi there,
I just wanted to leave a message of encouragement for all you who might be struggling in their search of a teacher who could fit their needs. Well, I have nothing but words of gratitude for all the support received during my C1 advanced exam prep with Sandra. Not only is she a very knowledgeable teacher on the field, but also a very pleasant and friendly person.
She's got tons of materials to help you with your exam prep, besides all the fun learning methods she displays during the lessons. Moreover, she's very flexible and will always try to find the best possible timetable so that you can combine your classes with her and your daily life.
It's been only a month with her, but more than enough to give me that extra boost of motivation I was looking for to face my exam. Then, now that I got the CAE, I wouldn't hesitate to carry on the next level with her.
Many thanks :)!!
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