Profesor de piano y solfeo titulado con más de 10 años de experiencia impartiendo clases. Realizo clases en persona pudiendo desplazarme y también por Skype.
“Santiago Goikoetxea is a singer, composer, pianist. He was born 28, April in Madrid. He is famous by his CD record “Como un sueño en America” with the hits as, “Abrázame”, “Está lloviendo en el mar” y “Princesa”. He took part in lots of na...
Profesor de piano y solfeo titulado con más de 10 años de experiencia impartiendo clases. Realizo clases en persona pudiendo desplazarme y también por Skype.
“Santiago Goikoetxea is a singer, composer, pianist. He was born 28, April in Madrid. He is famous by his CD record “Como un sueño en America” with the hits as, “Abrázame”, “Está lloviendo en el mar” y “Princesa”. He took part in lots of national and international competitions. In his hectic biography, Goikoetxea points out that from a very young age he showed interest in music. He was 10 when he decided to play the piano, after seeing The Beatles in Let it be. Currently working on a new Profesor de piano y solfeo titulado con más de 10 años de experiencia impartiendo clases. Realizo clases en persona pudiendo desplazarme y también por Skype
“Santiago Goikoetxea is a singer, composer, pianist. He was born 28, April in Madrid. He is famous by his CD record “Como un sueño en America” with the hits as, “Abrázame”, “Está lloviendo en el mar” y “Princesa”. He took part in lots of national and international competitions. In his hectic biography, Goikoetxea points out that from a very young age he showed interest in music. He was 10 when he decided to play the piano, after seeing The Beatles in Let it be. Currently working on a new album.”
“Goikoetxea” è un cantante compositore pianista. È Nato a Madrid il 28 Aprile, è conossiuto per il suo CD “Come un sueño en América” con le hit come “Abrazame”, “Esta lloviendo en el mar”, “Princesa”. Ha partecipato a molte competizioni nazionali ed internazionali. Nella sua variegata biografia, Goikoetxea sottolinea che fin da giovanissimo ha avuto la passione per la musica. Aveva 10 anni quando ha deciso di suonare il piano dopo aver visto il film sui Beatles “Let it be”. Al momento sta lavorando ad un nuovo album.”
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