Perfil de Sarah Domingo Jebbour

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi


My music studies and my piano classes are my passion.
One of my first aims is to discover the beautiful talents in my students and help them to get to enjoy the talent they have to the maximum.

In my classes i do my best taking to consideration the caracter of my student, because i believe that if they are happy and motivated they will give more fruitful classes.

I studied specialis...

My music studies and my piano classes are my passion.
One of my first aims is to discover the beautiful talents in my students and help them to get to enjoy the talent they have to the maximum.

In my classes i do my best taking to consideration the caracter of my student, because i believe that if they are happy and motivated they will give more fruitful classes.

I studied specialisation in music pedagogy, piano classical and modern,and lately musictherapy. And of course my class includes solfege, theory, general music information because it is important for me that my student knows not only how to play piano but to know also loads of informations.
I take into consideration the parents desires about what kind of courses they want for their kids. I can teach European system and english UK system as well. Depends wich system the parents ask for. For any further info i am always ready to answer. In my watsap also :)

Best regards

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Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Piano Doy clases de piano (moderno y clasico) solfege, theoria de musica, musicoterapia Barcelona Capital, Esplugues de Llobregat, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs
Clase Presencial
35€/h Ver anuncio

Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

17 valoraciones
Septiembre de 2023
Sarah ha sido una de las mejores profesoras de piano que he tenido. Cuando era pequeña hice clases de piano y Sarah me ha permitido retomar las clases y disfrutarlas como nunca. Sarah transmite mucha confianza, profesionalidad y pasión por la música y la enseñanza. A cualquier persona que desee disfrutar aprendiendo le recomiendo a Sarah :)
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Septiembre de 2023
Sarah es una profesora muy didáctica, tanto para adultos como para niños. Amable y entusiasta, aprenderás a tocar el piano con alegría!
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Reine Maalouf
Octubre de 2022
My daughter enjoyed the piano classes with Sarah, Highly recommended.
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