Perfil de Silvana

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

Mis clases

Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Español para extranjeros Spanish in Madrid Madrid Capital
Clase Presencial
20€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Español para extranjeros Spanish classes on line Online
Clase Online
20€/h Ver anuncio

Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

4 valoraciones
Sophia Ketteler
Noviembre de 2018
Siempre he disfrutado las clases de español con Silvana. Nos reímos mucho y Silvana acercó el lenguaje de una manera excelente. Tiene paciencia, siempre ha sido encantadora y apasionada con su trabajo. La extrañaré mucho como profesora, pero también como persona.
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Tereza Faherty
Octubre de 2018
I would like to take this opportunity to hightly recommend Silvana cerrada Gomez as a teacher. I had the extreme pleasure of being her student when she was resident here in Edinburgh. I enjoyed being tutored privetely for over a year and the many developments. Her skill base has such diversity, knoledge, enphacy, makes for joy in learning. As a very professional teacher it was always evident the amount of time, research and preparation she put into each exercises, tests and classes. The joy and excitement of learning the spanish lenguaje and culture is something I will always enjoy and be very gratefull to have met such a wonderful teacher.
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Septiembre de 2018
Silvana is not only a very profesional and smart teacher, she’s also and amazing and warm person. As a student I felt really comfortable, since Silvana was very patient with me during my whole learning process. It was also obvious that she cared about my experience and developement since she was putting lots effort into getting me to reach my desired level. Some of the methods she would be using were e.g interesting texts, short movies, games, mind maps ect. I really felt that I learned so much from her. Silvana is the best!!
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