Perfil de Soeli Fortuna

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

I have a passion for teaching and learning about other cultures. I truly believe that anybody is capable of learning a language. I always start teaching based on the student’s need. Usually having a first meeting to evaluate and setting a plan, to decide on the materials to be adopted. I tend to communicate through basic language and body language to teach beginners and build on top of that.
I have a passion for teaching and learning about other cultures. I truly believe that anybody is capable of learning a language. I always start teaching based on the student’s need. Usually having a first meeting to evaluate and setting a plan, to decide on the materials to be adopted. I tend to communicate through basic language and body language to teach beginners and build on top of that.

Mis clases

Imparto clases Online
Clases de Inglés I teach English on-line desde Brazil Barcelona Capital
Clase Presencial
6€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Inglés I teach English on-line desde Brazil to students of other languages Barcelona Capital
Clase Online
6€/h Ver anuncio
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