- Clases de matematicas manipultivas con método altamente innovador (patentado, presentado en conferencia MIT Massachussets Institute of Technology).
- Uso de sólidos, bloques, colores y gamificación que ayudan a entender el funcionamiento de números y direcciones en el espacio.
- Planes a medida con respeto a edad, competencias y dificultades individuales.
- Clases en castellano, ingles o ital...
- Clases de matematicas manipultivas con método altamente innovador (patentado, presentado en conferencia MIT Massachussets Institute of Technology).
- Uso de sólidos, bloques, colores y gamificación que ayudan a entender el funcionamiento de números y direcciones en el espacio.
- Planes a medida con respeto a edad, competencias y dificultades individuales.
- Clases en castellano, ingles o italiano.
- Clases individuales o grupales (máximo 4 niños*) en bibliotecas o a domicilio. *Para escuelas o institutos contacte.
- Personas altamente referenciadas.
- Area metropolitana de Barcelona y Catalunya*. *Desplazamientos a cargo.
- Profesor vacunado a la COVID y con certificado de vacuna europeo.
Después de un paro de màs de 18 meses debido al COVID el proyecto vuelve a ser disponible.
Video introductorio en "YouTube" y "Vimeo"
Canal: "A1000Castles", seleccionar el video "Play & Learn", para los subtítulos en castellano y italiano hacer clic en la parte inferior derecha del player, botón CC.
Stefano Vuga, designer, author, and illustrator
Passionate about design, children’s literature, and digital content. Completed a Diploma in Graphic Design in Milan then studied at the Politecnico di Milano, earning a Master’s degree in Industrial Design with a thesis presented by the two terms director of the Milan Triennale Foundation and Exposition, Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis. While studying he started working in Milan in the fashion industry for British designers. In 2007 he moved to Barcelona, working as a consultant for wider business areas related to design, art, publishing, and events. He actively collaborates with contemporary artists, including Bouke de Vries (Collection Kay Saatchi, Pallant House Gallery) producing the artist’s video installations. In 2014 he began to publish independent projects presented at the Barcelona Children’s Literature Festival Món Llibre. Festival hosted by MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art and CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.
Eleonora Vuga, teacher, author
Passionate about children and parenting since forever. Completed a Diploma in socio-psycho-pedagogical studies and continued her education at the UNIMIB · School of Medicine and Surgery of Milan-Bicocca where she earned a Bachelor’s in Midwifery. She worked as a primary-school teacher in the public and private sectors until 2013, when she resumed her university studies and completed her hospital practice. Following in her grandmother’s steps, whose original diaries, notes, and academic bibliography of the training in the same profession she keeps. Besides preserving the family memories and being very busy with her three kids, she has always curated the contents and revised the texts of her brother Stefano’s stories. Currently working as a primary-school teacher in Bergamo.
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