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Postgrado/Máster (cursando): chinese teaching
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Santurtzi · Getxo · Barakaldo · Etxebarri, Anteiglesia de San Esteban-Etxebarri Do · Bilbao · Basauri
Perfil de Yunjie Sun
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Sobre mi
Hablo chino,español y inglés . Tengo una licenciatura y un máster en enseñanza de chino para extranjeros y llevo 4 años trabajando como profesora de chino. Ahora vivo en Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. More than 3 years teaching experience. Both online and offline classes. This year I work as Chinese teacher for primary school students.Use YCT+HSK textbooks,40 sessions in a month,. I teach my stud...
Hablo chino,español y inglés . Tengo una licenciatura y un máster en enseñanza de chino para extranjeros y llevo 4 años trabajando como profesora de chino. Ahora vivo en Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. More than 3 years teaching experience. Both online and offline classes. This year I work as Chinese teacher for primary school students.Use YCT+HSK textbooks,40 sessions in a month,. I teach my students about not only grammar and characters, but also Chinese culture, history and traditions. I get along well with my students and their parents,.Also I help them to prepare HSK and HSKK exams. I always get along very well with my students. This job helped me to find out that my favorite career is Chinese teaching . Spending time with lovely students who are eager to learn more about China and Chinese language&culture, always makes me happy.