Perfil de Taylor

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

My name is Taylor I am 26 years old. I am an english teacher living in Bilbao. I am TEFL certified and a native English speaker from Minnesota, USA.
If you would like to contact me about classes let me know!

Thank you,

My name is Taylor I am 26 years old. I am an english teacher living in Bilbao. I am TEFL certified and a native English speaker from Minnesota, USA.
If you would like to contact me about classes let me know!

Thank you,

Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Inglés Business English, tourism, international business Bilbao, Bilbao, Arrigorriaga, Basauri, Etxebarri, Anteiglesia de San Esteban-Etxebarri Do, Zaratamo, Galdakao
Clase Presencial
15€/h Ver anuncio
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