Perfil de Valentina Rueda Peña

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

My name is Valentina and I am a Colombian-Spanish citizen. I am a highly academic person with a passion for learning, which is why I have a degree in nutrition and dietetics, a higher degree in music, and I have learned English and French. I believe I have many study tricks and methodologies that I would love to share.
My name is Valentina and I am a Colombian-Spanish citizen. I am a highly academic person with a passion for learning, which is why I have a degree in nutrition and dietetics, a higher degree in music, and I have learned English and French. I believe I have many study tricks and methodologies that I would love to share.

Mis clases

Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Francés Profesor de Apoyo de eso con idioma de ingles y frances Santander, El Astillero, Marina de Cudeyo, Santa Cruz de Bezana
Clase Presencial
9€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Matemáticas Profesor de Apoyo en matemáticas para primaria, primero o segundo de la ESO Santander, El Astillero, Marina de Cudeyo, Santa Cruz de Bezana
Clase Presencial
13€/h Ver anuncio
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