Victoria was part of an ESOL (English to Speaker's of Other Languages) team at Borders College, Galashiels, Scotland, from 2011 - 2013. As Internal Verifier, I checked Lecturers' compliance with SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) regulations during student assessments for reading, writing, listening and speaking. I had regular contact with Lecturers, sampling their assessment work and giving them feedback.
I recall that Victoria was responsive to my feedback, and fully able to follow instructions carefully. She took a personal interest in her students, tailoring course content, where possible, so as to make it more interesting for those in her classes. She taught multi-national, mixed-age groups, and despite her youth, she was able to communicate well and command respect as the class teacher. She had a great sense of fun, was bright, creative and enthusiastic, as well as having an excellent command of English. I also know that she speaks Spanish, some French and Italian.
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