¿Cómo se dice "pinchar la electricidad" en inglés?

Good morning!Some people "pinchan la electricidad" to avoid paying the bills.How would you call it in english?Thanks a lot!
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John Godbe
Profesor Verificado
To my knowledge there isn't a slang expression in English specifically for electricity theft. "To pinch" (pinchar) in UK English slang also means "to steal," but this isn't limited only to stealing electricity. Connecting directly to the main line (suministro principal) is colloquially called "cable hooking" (enganchar el cable).
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Super John! Cable hooking it is! See you around here
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Mike Shortis
Profesor Verificado
Hi! I've never heard a common phrase for this in English. I'm from the UK and people don't commonly do it there so I had to look up the official definition: 'electricity theft' (noun). If I were describing it casually to a friend I'd say something like: "Did you know there people who've worked out how to steal electricity from the power grid?" or "You know George? He's a genius with tools and he's worked out how to get free electricity from the grid...yes of course it's illegal."
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Hi Mike! Thanks a lot for your message. It's been super useful. Super cool you don't have this problem in your country... jeje. Thanks again!
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Alejandra Torres Carranco
Hi ! We can say "stole electricity" or "making a fraud with electricity" Hope this can be helpful.
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Leonilde Cutillo
Profesor Verificado
tapping the electricity line
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Agustín Simes
Well, I would focus on AmE: In the East coast, people commonly use "Tap into the power" - This term refers to illegally connecting to the electrical grid without authorization or paying for the services. It implies the act of accessing electricity without proper permission or payment. On the other hand, in the West coast, people often use "Siphon off the electricity" - This phrase conveys the idea of diverting or stealing electricity without the consent of the provider or without paying for it. It suggests the unauthorized extraction of electrical power. Lemme know who it works..
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