What does running out of steam mean?

A little gas left B little energy left C little food left
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B little energy left
El creador de la pregunta ha marcado la pregunta como "ha sido de utilidad"
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Little energy left
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Hi Tamara, I'm offering English classes online if you'd like to improve or maintain your level? I'm currently located about an hour North of Valencia and have been a native ESL teacher in Spain for 24 years with good references. I'm also fluent in Spanish. Please click on my ad if you'd like more information. All the best, Jonathan
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It could be you are getting tired, your energy is little but It also means that your motivation is decresing. (going away)
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A 'your energy is 'low' NOT little B you are losing your motivation (better than decreasing)
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Hi Sofia, I'm offering English classes online if you'd like to improve or maintain your level? I'm currently located about an hour North of Valencia and have been a native ESL teacher in Spain for 24 years with good references. I'm also fluent in Spanish. Please click on my ad if you'd like more information. All the best, Jonathan
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B) to have little energy left
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Hi Jael, I'm offering English classes online if you'd like to improve or maintain your level? I'm currently located about an hour North of Valencia and have been a native ESL teacher in Spain for 24 years with good references. I'm also fluent in Spanish. Please click on my ad if you'd like more information. All the best, Jonathan
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Steam, trains used to use steam, little gas left
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Hi Ana, I'm offering English classes online if you'd like to improve or maintain your level? I'm currently located about an hour North of Valencia and have been a native ESL teacher in Spain for 24 years with good references. I'm also fluent in Spanish. Please click on my ad if you'd like more information. All the best, Jonathan
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en general agotado, cansado pero tambien en el mercado cuando los precios paran de subir o se desploman.
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Hola Gabe, ofrezco clases de inglés online si quieres mejorar o mantener tu nivel? Actualmente me encuentro a una hora al norte de Valencia y he sido profesora nativa de ESL en España durante 24 años con buenas referencias. También domino el español. Por favor, haga clic en mi anuncio si desea más información. Todo lo mejor, Jonathan
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You can say more generally, the economy is running out of steam. i.e. slowing down
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It means: "se te esta acabando la gasolina". And not that of the car, but your energy level. This Spanish term is often used in bullfighting when the bull "deja de embestir". From a human perspective you are simply getting depleted of your energy to keep going, either that or you are getting tired of a situation, a relationship for instance can get out of steam. So, level up bro!!
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Philip Burgess
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In Spanish it would mean; quedar sin fuelle.
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Claudia Garcia
Its like " running out of interest, energy"
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Cynthia Silvina Prats Giordano
It depends, if you are talking about things as electricity or gas it means that they´re running out of power. If you´re talking about your own energy it means you´re getting really tired, you´re lack of energy.
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Ricardo Franco
Same as running thin of something, dying out, squandering or running out of something. 😀
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Exactly! Good answer! I'm in need of online classes now so if you or someone you know would like to maintain or improve your levels please pass on my contact information. Best regards, Jonathan
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