Glosas Spanish On Line Achademy

Glosas Spanish On Line Achademy


Clases online

Clases y cursos que impartimos


Descripción del centro

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🗾TODAY is the era of online education and that is why we want to propose an educational concept in line with these new times.
👥We are a team of native teachers with years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreigners, of course with great results.
☝️We prepare you for the Spanish nationality exam or to pass the official Spanish level tests of the Cervantes Institute.
🤩Have you settled in Spain and you want to work? Count on us to prepare the Spanish exam that allows you to develop professionally in our country.
🗣️We offer you the opportunity to learn comfortably from your country with native teachers specialized in online teaching.
📚You will have personalized learning and attention, with sessions adapted to your level and needs.
☝️We are backed by the excellent results after years of dedication to the educational and spanish language learning sector.


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