Academic writing: useful phrases to nail it

La formalidad es un punto a tener en cuenta cuando escribimos trabajos o projects en la universidad o incluso en bachillerato. En ocasiones, no contamos con las herramientas necesarias para estructurar e hilar las ideas que queremos presentar. Pues bien, hoy os traigo algunas phrases que podéis usar para mejorar vuestros trabajos y quedar como kings and queens. ¡Ahí van!:

1. Establishing why your topic (X) is important:

X is the main / leading / primary / major cause of ..

Xs are a common / useful / critical part of…

Xs are among the most widely used / commonly discussed / well-known / well-documented /

widespread / commonly investigated types of …

X is recognized as being / believed to be / widely considered to be the most important …

It is well known / generally accepted / common knowledge that X is …

2. Outlining the past-present history of the study of X (no direct references to the literature):

Last century X was considered to be / viewed as / seen as the most …

Initial / Preliminary / The first studies of X considered it to be

Traditionally X / In the history of X, the focus has always been …

Scientists / Researchers / Experts have always seen X as …

Until now / For many years / Since 1993 Xs have been considered as …

X has received much attention in the last two years / in the past decade / over the last two decades …

3. Stating the aim of your paper and its contribution:

In this report / paper / review / study we …

This paper outlines / proposes / describes / presents a new approach to …

This paper examines / seeks to address / focuses on / discusses / investigates how to solve …

This paper is an overview of / a review of / a report on / a preliminary attempt to …

The present paper aims to validate / call into question / refute Peng’s findings regarding …

Con estas frases, podréis darle un toque muy académico a vuestros trabajos para impresionar a vuestro profesor. Si os ha resultado útil, hacédmelo saber :).

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