My easter trip to Valencia in 2014, my favourite city in Spain.

Although my 4 days In Valencia were brief, it was by far one of the best Easter breaks I have ever had. I currently live In Zaragoza and visited for a few days just to get a taste of the ocean again after a long cold, windy, winter. I have visited around 7 cities In Spain now and Valencia still remains at the top of my list of places to visit in Spain, I have several reasons for this. Of course the beach is one of the first of these. the weather was beautiful for those few days and it felt amazing to relax by the beach and just stare up at the palm trees and forget all my troubles.

The Oceanografico? was also one of my favourite parts of the trip. As much as I love relaxing and doing nothing by the beach, personally for me this gets boring fast so I really appreciated the Oceanagrafico because it was a full, solid day of exploring what the ocean floor has to offer. Obviously some people beleive these places can be cruel for these animals but I still can't help but feel drawn to them, they are the best way for people to learn about sealife in a practical way.

I also loved how green Valencia felt, Zaragoza is a great place to live but it lacks the trees and nature that a coastal place like Valencia has. It also didn't feel too busy as In places like Madrid even being on a holiday its easy to feel stressed on the bustling sidewalks.

I suggest to anyone who wants a peaceful break of a week or less to try visiting Valencia.

Here are some of my favourite pictures of my trip.

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