English for the Tourism Sector: Making lemonade out of lemons

Have you ever come across the English expression: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? It means that when we find ourselves in a bad situation, we must always try to make the best of it; instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we should see these situations as an opportunity to grow.

Right now in the tourism sector, it feels as if life is throwing lemons at us from all angles. In Spain especially, we’re really missing our tourists! But we have to remember that this situation won’t last forever: the virus will go away, and the tourists will come back. And in the meantime, why not take the opportunity to work on your English skills?

English is a vital skill for anyone working in the tourism sector not just in Spain, but anywhere else in the world. It’s a basic requirement when applying for many jobs, whether you want to work as a travel agent or a tour guide.

English is the most important “second language” in many countries all over the world, so learning English will allow you to communicate with guests from the UK and USA, and also countries like Iceland or India! It’s also very important for travel industry professionals to speak English in order to be able to communicate with providers in different countries: hotels, transport companies and guides. English is a vital language for the travel industry because it will help you to grow your professional network, and therefore help you to find more job opportunities in the future!

Remember that it’s very important to practise with different native teachers when learning English for the tourism sector. Did you know, for example, that a “twin room” might mean different things to a guest from the UK and a guest from the US? Or that you should never tell a British person to guard against pickpockets by wearing a “fanny pack”?

Don’t let COVID get you down: learn English and get ready to take on the 2021 season like a champion!

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