English in One Minute - How do you learn best?

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English in One Minute - How do you learn best?

June 8, 2017

English in One Minute - The 5-Minute Challenge

May 31, 2017

English in One Minute - How do you learn best?

June 8, 2017

Hello, I'm Shaun and this is the second edition of English in One Minute where in about one minute I will share a tip with you on how to improve your English.

This week we will think about how you learn best and spend a little time thinking about how much you enjoy different ways of practicing English and how useful they are for you.

Firstly, write down 3 things you have done this week to practice your English. They can be activities in your English class or outside.

Then, for each of the three things give a score out of 10 for how useful it was and a score for how much fun. For example:

Activity Useful Fun

Grammar exercise 6 3

Watching a YouTube video 8 8

Listening to a Podcast 7 6

Lastly, Think about these questions:

1) Is there an activity you’d like to do more of? Why was it good?

2) Is there an activity you’d prefer not to do again? Why not?

If the answer to either 1 or 2 is ‘Yes’, what will you do about it? Write down a goal to do more of what is useful and fun and less of what is boring and not useful.

In the next edition we will look at how to set realistic and achievable goals. I will speak to you soon!

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