Guide for travelling to a Spanish spoken country


This is a guide that will give to you the most important keys and help to learn spanish and survive in a spanish spoken country. If you are thinking about travelling to take vacations or a bussines trip this is the best way to do it without givingup by trying.

Section 1:

In this section you will learn greettings, remember you can´t be too polite or unpolite, when you need to ask for somethig you must greet and look them to their eyes to get people´s atention by greeting

1.1 Greetings

  • Good morning / Buenos Días
  • Good Afternoon / Buenas Tardes
  • Good Evening/ night / Buenas Noches
  • Cuadro de texto: The key in this is practice a lot, you must to repite aloud and keep practicing until you do it correctly. Don´t worry if you don´t do it well at begginig, just keep practicing, be confident, i´m sure you can do it.Please / Por favor
  • Thanks / Gracias
  • Good Bye / Hasta Luego , Adiós
  • Bye / Chao (informal way)
  • Hello, Hi / Hola
  • How are you? / ¿Cómo está?
  • Fine, thanks and you? / Bien gracias, y usted?
  • Very well / Muy bien
  • Bad / Mal
  • All good / Todo bien
  • You´re welcome / De nada
  • See you / nos vemos
  • Until we see each other again / Hasta la vista
  • See you soon / Hasta pronto , Nos vemos pronto
  • What are you doing? / ¿Qué haces?
  • What´s happening? / ¿Qué pasa?
  • What´s up? / ¿Qué tal?
  • How´ve you been? / ¿Cómo le ha ido?
  • How´s it going? / ¿Cómo le va?

1.2 To ask information at the airport and your flight

It is very important to confirm your returning flights when you arrive at the airport in the spanish country destination. As a good advice, I recommend to you that you must get close to the airlines office where you bought the tickets and to check your information given to the airline company, so, in case of a change of flight, time or date they could contact you, be sure they have your phone number, or hotel´s number and the adress where you going to be.

But, if your arrival time to the spanish spoken country is by night or early morning and the airline office is closed, you must call them by phone to check and enjoy your trip with calm.

1.3 To ask where the restroom is

Don´t you ever happen? That you are holding as much as

posible? Well, I´ve lived too. That´s why you must learn how to ask for restrooms.

Where is the batroom? – Dónde está el baño?

By gender:

Where is ladies batroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño de damas?

· Where is gentlemen´s batroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño de caballeros?

2.1 To know the currency

It is important that you know the currency of your destination, I advice to you that previous to the trip you might look for by internet or download an app that shows to you what the currency looks like, its bills, coins and denomination. Also you must read about the culture, food, places, important holidays because your activities could be interrumped, you should take this into account. Dont forget to check it, so you can be sure about what you want to do.

2.1 To ask for help

Lost or delayed luggage

Usually when you take a long trip the luggage goes in the same plane with you. But, when you have to take transshipment or boarding more than two planes because scales and your luggage is not with you, normally the airplane company assumes the responsability of deliver to you at the end of your destination. If this doesn´t happen, you must complain and claim it. So, here there are some usefull phrases that will help you:

· My luggage has not arrived yet, Which is the reason? Mi equipaje no ha llegado todavía, Cuál es la razón?

· Where is my luggage? ¿Dónde está mi equipaje?

· How much time it will take to arrive? ¿Cuánto tiempo tardará en llegar ?

· Could you send it to my hotel please? ¿Podría enviarlo a mi hotel por favor?

· Do I have to come back for it? ¿Tengo que regresar a buscarlo?

· Can I speak with the Manager Please? ¿Puedo hablar con el Gerente por favor?

A thief

No one wants to be in this position, but if you have to deal with that I reccomend to you be calmed to avoid a worst experience, unless that you could be in a place surrounded by people and you could say aloud ¡¡¡A thief!!! ¡Un ladrón! AYUDA! Please try not to behave as a hero, if you see that you can deal whith him and you have the advantage, just hold your things as you scream loudly for help. Otherwise, dont even think putting your life under risk.

2.3 To ask for addresses

It is logical that when you don´t know a place, you are going to ask how to arrive to a specifical place, here there are more commons indications:



Excuse me, could you tell me how to …?

Discúlpeme, podría decir cómo llegar a …?

The bus station

La estación de autobuses

Excuse me, do you know where the … is?

Discúlpeme, usted sabe dónde está …?

Post office

La oficina de correos

I´m sorry, I don´t know

Lo siento, no lo sé

Sorry, I´m not from around here

Lo siento, no soy de por aquí

I´m looking for

Estoy buscando …

Is this the right way for …?

Es este el camino correcto para ir a …?

Are we on the right road for …?

Estamos en la carretera correcto para ir a …?

This address

Esta dirección

Do you have a map?

Tiene usted un mapa?

Can you show me on the map?

Puede usted mostrarme en el mapa?


How do I get to the bank?

Walk straight for 2 blocks, turn left, walk 3 blocks more and the bank will be on the right.

¿Cómo llego al banco?

Camina derecho 2 cuadras, doblas a la izquierda, camina 3 cuadras más y el banco estará a la derecha

Where is the zoo?

Keep going straight until you get to ___ Street and turn right.

¿Dónde está el zoológico?

Sigue derecho hasta que llegas a la calle ___ y dobla a la derecha

Where is the University?

¿Dónde está la universidad?

Turn left on XXX Avenue, walk 5 blocks until you get to YYY Avenue, turn right and walk 3 more blocks.

Dobla a la izquierda en Avenida XXX, camina 5 cuadras hasta que llegues a Avenida YYY, dobla a la derecha y camina 3 cuadras más.

3.1 Security advices and tips

As advice, I could reccomend to you:

· Avoid to use jewelry

· Prevents to go to lonely places and never by night.

· Avoid to handle too much cash. Don´t keep it in just one place.

· Use clothes as the local people

· Avoid carrying too much bags when you are going out by shopping.

· Try to be always “low profile”

· Put your cellphone on vibracalling and try not to answer in the streets, unless that you are in a good neighborhood for example as Buenos Aires Argentina, because there, you can be safe to use quietly any cellphone or tech device. Or in Cancún Buses too, as a curious fact, in Cancún the local transportation (Buses) gives you free wifi.

I hope this information is useful for you, if you want more information or help, do not hesitate to contact me.

Miyerick Gil.

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