How to correct CVs and personal descriptions

As in the previous article ("How to correct students' essays"), examples of the corrected CVs and personal descriptions speak louder than any articles on how to do it right. Below you'll see my corrections of a career description written by one of my French students. Keep in mind that in a Word format all the corrections are made in red so you can easily spot your mistakes and teacher's feedback. Here the corrections and feedback are in italic.

BIOGRAPHY Short description

Marie Belrose was born in 1991 in Paris, France. When she was 8 years old she felt a great desire to create dedicate herself to art. Since then she spent all her free time in the SСchool of Art learning draw how to master different drawing techniques.

She got received classical artistic education in at Fine Arts College The Paris College of Arts (2008-2013) and decided to continue proceed with the investigation of art and artist's place in a modern world.nowadays. After she moved to Spain, she continued her education in Polytechnic University of Valencia, Faculty Department of Fine Arts, pursuing Master's Degree in Artistic Production. Most of the time, Marie mostly works independently trying to find her own form in of creation and themes topics that can reveal man's human’s nature and show something we can't see at the first sight. hidden beyond the visible matters and underlying within a more profound artistic plane.

Her interest in understanding her personality and inner ambitions conception is a consequence of a passion of towards psychology and sociology. It helped her to get to know herself and environment the world around her on a more sophisticated level when she was a teenager and it has put a start to her art path. began a part of her artworks.

At the moment At this point Marie is working in different a variety of genres starting from an art installation art till to land art. In her practice, she gives the priority to photography and audiovisual media.

STATEMENT Personal comment

“I started working in the area of Contemporary Art in 2014. After graduating from the classical art school of painting in Paris, The Paris College of Arts in 2013, I found myself in need of a more free expression, not limited by the framework which I received imposed upon me during my education.

In 2015, I was enrolled to at Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, Faculty Department of Fine Arts in Valencia (Spain). Here I identified the main points and objectives in the practice of Contemporary Art which I followed today in the my work. I was able to succeed in that largely contributed to the definition is an due to my independent creative initiative in art practice and self-education.

At this stage of my artistic development, I have no ambitions to outline the new trends in art and or to bring in new unknown art forms. Nevertheless, but I am eager to explore and elaborate the knowledge about the existing art courses in this direction and give perhaps a new critical look at them through my own artistic practice. perspective.

As a core of my artistic analysis I take I consider as a theme of my creation is the concept of personality, it's mental and psychic psychological state. I'm interested I’d like to concentrate my research on in individual consciousness and its ways of contact collaborating with the external environment. Also Moreover, I investigate conflicts and frustrations appeared as a result of this process when someone tries to contact and search look for the causes of this discomfort.

At the moment I feel the a great influence of such artists as Sophie Calle and Gillian Wearing.”

Short СV

Marie Belrose


Based in Valencia, Spain

Date of Birth 20.05.1991


2008-2013 - The Paris College of Arts, Paris, France

2015-2017 - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Faculty Department of Fine Arts, Spain

Group exhibitions, events and festivals

2016 - Participation in festival Benimaclet ConFusion, Spain

2015 - Exhibition “Como el perro y la lima” Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos, Spain

2015 - Exhibition in solidarity of aid to the refugees “IN ACTION”, Spain

2014 - Participation in festival Die PLATTE, Germany

2014 - Exhibition “KrasDam” in Potsdam, Germany

2013 - Exhibition “Young Artists of Paris”, France

2012 - Exhibition of painting “The Talents of Paris”, France

Solo exhibitions

2016 - “Attack”, Espacio de Luz Gallery, Spain

2013 - “The Modern Face”, The Paris College of Arts, Paris, France

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