• How I Started My Own ELT Business and H...

How I Started My Own ELT Business and How You Can Too!

We all have fears: fears of trying something new, fear of change, fear of the unknown. If you are starting your own ELT business, hopefully I can assuage some of these fears with a few tips.

I decided to develop my own business as an English teacher because the freedom and independence was attractive to me. Now, I have over half of my students that are my own clients. Oxinity has helped me with this process; however, there are some additional resources that are worth mentioning.

Start with creating your own Facebook page, LinkedIn profile and twitter account for your business and add all of these to your personal website.

You can do this by logging into your website, go to edit and add the link to your pages there. Also, add the Oxinity logo in your cover and/or profile photos in linkedin, facebook professional page, adverts, etc.

Once you have established your professional pages, post every day and try different posts. Post about events or subjects that you interest you. Include activities are you talking about in your classes this week.

Paying attention to analytics - Use the analytics tools that are provided by Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In addition, there are many new analytic tools to try which have been developed this year.

Keep track on postings - Keep track of your posts through analytics or manually. You can use websites such as hootsuite.com or tweetdeck.com which can help you to schedule your posts. Regardless of how, it is important to keep organized so that you can track what is working and what is not.

Finding new places - Be creative and always think outside the box.

Keep at it!

Lastly, don’t give up. It will take some time and patience to see what works for you but keep it up and your hard work will pay off. Good luck!

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