The best verb phrases with GO for summer holidays

Ahora que estamos en época de 'summer holidays', los siguientes 'grammar reminders' o recordatorios de gramática pueden resultarnos 'highly useful':

GO + VERB-ING (for activities or sports):

- This summer we will go camping/sailing/snorkelling/hiking

- Let's go widsurfing/waterskiing today.

- Shall we go scubadiving or sailing tomorrow?

En español estas estructuras bien se pueden traducir por: "ir de" acampada, "ir a" navegar o "hacer" esquí acuático, windsurf o escalada.

GO ON + noun

- Go on a cruise round the Mediterranean- Go on a safari to see the wildlife

- Go on a (guided tour) of a city or a building

- Go on a safari to see wildlife

- Go on a boat trip on a lake

- Go on a package holiday with everything included

En este caso las posibles traducciones serían: "ir de crucero", "ir de safari", "ir con una visita guiada" o "con un viaje organizado con todo incluido".

More useful verb phrases for holidays

- Relax at the beach bar, enjoy the Caribbean view or sunbathe on the beach

- Some people, especially those who have very fair skin, get sunburned when they stay out in the sun too long.

- I am so annoyed that I get bitten by insects where ever I go

- We had the morning free to shop and see the sights of New Orleans

- An old movie theater, it is just a great place to see a show

- Who does not love to sit and watch the sunset/sunrise?

- Some companies also encourage their staff to do voluntary work

- Do you know how to get fit to climb a mountain/hill

- Ready to pack/unpack your bags?

- Nowadays we have spa treatments in the form of manicures and pedicures too.

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