The fear of making mistakes while talking in a foreign language

Your friend asked you to visit her in New York. She throws a party to welcome you. At a party, you feel terrible and unable to speak with other people because you feel that they may laugh at you if you make a mistake.

Remember, your fear exists only in your head. Don't let it control your life. I have been studying languages all my life. English, Spanish, German, etc. I had and sometimes still have a fear of talking to other people in these languages. So, I also fight this battle as well as you.

In this article, I will give you three tricks on how to overcome your inner insecurity while talking in a foreign language.

The first and the most important step is to step out of your comfort zone and throw yourself into uncomfortable situations. If you got lost in a city, don't use your smartphone to find your way. Ask the locals. In most countries, people are happy to see a foreign person trying to speak their language and will appreciate the effort.

Find language clubs in your area. The group of people who also study and want to practice your target language will give you the chance to practice and improve your speaking skills and feel more comfortable discussing different topics.

Watch your favorite bloggers on Youtube. It's better to find a native speaker who talks about their life. It will give you additional vocabulary to talk about your own life and use their language stems in real life. You can even try to copy their style of speaking.

Remember that you are able to reach any goals you set and don't let the fear hold you back.

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