The Fun Method: Gamifying Learning! It is obvious that students want to learn, and teachers wish to

When we decide to learn another language, a lot of old thinking about the learning process comes up for us. We remember the long, slow, sleepy days of dull classrooms, and the awful expectation that we must "learn something" (though what we were supposed to be learning was not always very clear). Why were we learning this language, and why must it be so dull and boring?

Learning does not have to be chore. It does not have to be a boring and glum slog. It can be fun, stimulating, exciting.....and even exhilirating. We can "learn by doing," instead of having the information drummed into us my a pedantic bore. When we take classes one-on-one, the student is the star. For once, the student is king. What a world of difference this makes! Instead of being one of many students, where we feel our job is to make the teacher happy, we, the student, now realize that we are taking a language course to make ourself happy. And what is it that makes us happy? For most of us, it is to realize our dream, our goal, of speaking like a native English speaker (if that is indeed our goal!)

I hope that those who want to learn another language are willing and able to to reach out to teachers like myself, who want to help you reach your goal. We are inspired by your motivation to learn. Your motivation actually helps us to teach you. It is the fuel to our fire. So please keep learning, and being inspired. We, the teachers of tusclassesparticulares, are here to help you learn. Feel free to reach out to us if you need us. And have a wonderful Semana Santa 2018!

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