Why are you learning English? Have you ever thought about the why?

Have you stopped and asked yourself this question?

Have you thought about why you started learning English?

I am guessing, like so many people you started learning English in school. Then your parents probably felt it was important and sent you to an academy.

Myabe you were lucky enough to live in an English speaking country for a while.

But why is this important?

I always like to know the "why" because it helps me understand your motivation.

For example if a younger student is sent to me for classes because they "have to" then their motivation will probably be very low.

However if someone comes to me and says "I need classes for my career progression" then I know they will be more motivated.

You need to know your why

Honestly the more motivated you are I do believe it will help with your learning. You will want to watch programs in English.

You will prepare for the class.

You will do the exercises.

You will attend classes!

What if I have to?

The truth is if you "have to" because your boss told you to, it's going to be tough. That does not mean you won't have success, but it means that you will feel it to be a chore (a task you don't enjoy doing but have to do).

How can you motivate me Richard?

Well I like to first get to know what interests you so that I can create a fun and interesting class.

I need to know what you don't like to do - eg role plays, grammar etc.

Then I can give you exercises that will keep you interested!

What next?

Well let's talk and let's have a 15 minute interview (free of charge) to see if I can help you

Talk to you soon


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