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Localidad Barcelona Capital
Clases de Inglés
7 valoraciones
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Los alumnos de Adam opinan: Los alumnos de Adam opinan:
I was in Adam's General English class, Upper Intermediate Level, in February 2024. Adam explained the grammatical structure in great detail and gave us a lot of help with English pronunciation, like...
I was in Adam's General English class, Upper Intermediate Level, in February 2024. Adam explained the grammatical struc...
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17 €/h
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Barcelona Capital
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English Language teacher from New Zealand. IELTS, Cambridge or Conversation classes

Descripción del anuncio
Soy una profesora de inglés nativa de Nueva Zelanda. Tengo el título CELTA, y tengo experiencia trabajando como profesor en Languages International en Nueva Zelanda.

- Enseño todos los niveles, desde elemental hasta avanzado.

- Ofrezco varios estilos de clases, incluyendo clases de preparación para exámenes con un enfoque en la gramática, y clases de conversación pura con un enfoque en el inglés funcional. Puedo enseñar un poco de ambos si lo prefiere, discutiremos sus objetivos de aprendizaje en nuestra primera clase.

- Tengo experiencia enseñando tanto a niños como a adultos.

- Mi objectivo es tener un ambiente de aprendizaje cálido y abierto donde te sientas cómodo hablando y haciendo preguntas.

Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo.


I am an native English teacher from New Zealand. I have CELTA qualification, and have experience working as a teacher at Languages International in New Zealand.

- I teach all levels, from elementary to advanced.

- I offer several styles of classes, including exam prep classes with a focus on grammar, and pure conversation classes with a focus on functional English. I can teach a bit of both if you prefer, we will discuss your learning goals in our first class.

- I have experience teaching both children and adults.

- I focus on having a warm and open learning environment where you feel comfortable speaking and asking questions.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.

7 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Adam
Peter y otras 6 personas recomiendan a Adam
I was in Adam's General English class, Upper Intermediate Level, in February 2024. Adam explained the grammatical structure in great detail and gave us a lot of help with English pronunciation, like how to pronounce like a native speaker and practice pronunciation skills in class. Adam helped my English a lot; after completing Adam's course, I upgraded to Advanced General English. I highly recommend Adam for teaching.
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Adam is one of the best teachers I've ever encountered. He is very patient while teaching, and the atmosphere in his classes is always relaxed. He is always ready to help students who need assistance and provides additional resources based on the different levels of the students. Outside of class, he chats with students and shares life experiences. He is a teacher who makes people feel comfortable and passionate.
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Fa Poranee
Studying with Adam made me feel comfortable in my studies. Because Adam is patient with slow learners. It doesn't distinguish who is smarter or weaker. and explain vocabulary well when students do not understand Adam makes studying less stressful and less stressful. Always listen to the opinions of students. And I learned English better. Adam was an excellent teacher for me.
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