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Ubicación de mis clases
Valencia Capital · Tavernes Blanques · Almàssera · Alboraya
Perfil de Iann Hedfi
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
I’m willing to teach English not just as a skill language but mostly as a way for the students to learn how to express them selves in that language throughout steps which leads to require the most important stuff in english. Been working with kids and teenagers for some years and i always shared a strong bond with them as knowing what they want to learn about and works on those parts. I keep my...
I’m willing to teach English not just as a skill language but mostly as a way for the students to learn how to express them selves in that language throughout steps which leads to require the most important stuff in english. Been working with kids and teenagers for some years and i always shared a strong bond with them as knowing what they want to learn about and works on those parts. I keep my spot as a teacher always with a smile and ready to face the struggles students have with the language from the beginning till the end.