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Localidad Málaga Capital
Clases de Español para extranjeros
verified Datos verificados time 4 años dando clase
Primera clase gratis
20 €/h
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Zaragoza Capital
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Principalmente para niños y para adolescentes, ya sean estudiantes o no.

Descripción del anuncio
Me encantaría enseñar y entablar conversaciones con personas interesadas ya sea en el castellano, árabe o francés. Ya que los tres idiomas son nativos y los domino perfectamente.
Ilham en pocas palabras
I would describe my teaching style as coaching.I incorporate fun into my lessons when possible. And while my easy-going style is suitable for many lenguages and grades, I am also able to adapt my style to the needs of the student.
Asking questions, soliciting opinions, getting students to make short presentations, encouraging discussions and using audio, video and other sources to prompt dialogue...
I would describe my teaching style as coaching.I incorporate fun into my lessons when possible. And while my easy-going style is suitable for many lenguages and grades, I am also able to adapt my style to the needs of the student.
Asking questions, soliciting opinions, getting students to make short presentations, encouraging discussions and using audio, video and other sources to prompt dialogue and debate. Remember, without engagement and motivation there is no learning. I'm clear and well organized.
Encourage peer discussion and group-based learning.
Assign students frequent practice tests or quizzes.
Find ways to boost your memory.
Use a variety of learning techniques.
I will make everyone feel welcome and that they're part of your team. I show your tribe how to take good care of each other. A happy student is built primarily on positive relationships and a sense of belonging.
My strong work ethic and dedication to students. My innovative and enthusiastic approach to teaching. My passion for helping students learn and grow.
I am an effective communicator, both in writing and verbally and I have a strong ability to plan and organise effectively; something which is crucial to the role of a competent teacher. I cope very well with pressure and can adapt my style or teaching methods, when needed, to deliver consistent results.
Good teachers have desire, a positive attitude, and take risks. Keeping students off balance can discourage complacency and maintain interest. A good teacher knows what motivates each student, and works with the student as a partner in learning. A good teacher is also competent, creative and caring.
Árabe Francés Inglés Español
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