Perfil de Naresh Choudhary

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

Born in Varanasi, India, he’s been teaching Yoga more than 20 years, having students from all around the world at his center in Varanasi. Specialized in Hatha yoga, started to practice with an important Sadhu of the holy city. Afterwards he got the Diploma in Yoga at the BHU (Banaras Hindu University). With a great knowledge about hinduism, yoga history and philosophy, the practise is part of his...
Born in Varanasi, India, he’s been teaching Yoga more than 20 years, having students from all around the world at his center in Varanasi. Specialized in Hatha yoga, started to practice with an important Sadhu of the holy city. Afterwards he got the Diploma in Yoga at the BHU (Banaras Hindu University). With a great knowledge about hinduism, yoga history and philosophy, the practise is part of his life as he gives a special importance to the spirituality it involves.

Mis clases

Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Yoga Yoga con maestro hindú Girona Capital, Salt, Sarrià de Ter, Vilablareix, Quart
Clase Presencial
25€/h Ver anuncio

Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

1 valoraciones
Septiembre de 2019
Un gran Maestro de yoga, con inmenso conocimiento de la teoría y práctica de yoga,el yoga en su más pura tradición, excelentes ajustes y guía para seguir practicando con motivación y conciencia . Sigo y seguiré estudiando con Naresh tan largo cuando pueda.
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Muchas gracias Wanda!
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