Perfil de Sergio Navas

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

Lessons based and focused on a personal approach in order to find the best way to satisfy specific students needs. You will be the only one who can set the boundaries of your access to knowledge through a personal guidance.

I have a degree in English Language and my experience in this field has been mainly developed in a Secondary Educational context in Spain, and also overseas in different Engl...
Lessons based and focused on a personal approach in order to find the best way to satisfy specific students needs. You will be the only one who can set the boundaries of your access to knowledge through a personal guidance.

I have a degree in English Language and my experience in this field has been mainly developed in a Secondary Educational context in Spain, and also overseas in different English speaking countries such us the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.

Mis clases

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Clases de Español para extranjeros Profesor de español para extranjeros Málaga Capital
Clase Presencial
20€/h Ver anuncio
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